Thursday, September 29, 2011

Site Zoning Regulations

FYI: Below are the zoning regulations set forth by the city of Buffalo for our site which is located in the Downtown Opportunity District:

§ 511-71. DO Downtown Opportunity District.

The following regulations shall apply in the DO Downtown Opportunity District:
A. Permitted uses shall be as follows:
(1) Residential.
(2) Office.
(3) Retail, limited to a maximum of 2,000 square feet per lot for a five-year period after December 18, 1987, except retail of unlimited size shall be permitted in that area of downtown bounded by the rear lot lines of the properties located on Church, North Division, Pearl, Edward/Goodell and Washington Streets.
(4) Eating and drinking establishments.
(5) Hotel.
(6) Entertainment uses, such as motion-picture and live stage theaters.
(7) Uses as defined in § 511-7 of this chapter.
B. Building size and form regulations to be applied without exception shall be as follows:
(1) Height regulations. The minimum height from curb level for buildings shall be two stories or 24 feet, whichever is greater.
(2) Stepbacks. Building stepbacks shall first be allowed at the minimum building height of 24 feet and shall be required at the building height of 50 feet. This stepback shall be at least 10 feet on lots less than 110 feet deep. On lots greater than 110 feet deep, a stepback at least 15 feet deep is required.
(3) Front yards. No front yards are permitted. Buildings shall be built to the front lot lines for at least two stories or 24 feet of building height, whichever is greater. For the purposes of this subsection, a building will be deemed to comply with these regulations if a maximum of 25% of the area of the building wall is recessed to a maximum of three feet.
(4) Side yards. No side yards shall be permitted in the DO District.
C. Building size and form regulations from which exceptions may be granted subject to design review shall be as follows:
(1) Entrances. All building entrances in the DO District shall meet the following requirements and limitations:
(a) Entrances to offices must be at the streetwall or recessed not more than three feet therefrom. The width of office entrances can be no greater than 20 feet or 25% of the front lot line, whichever is less, except as permitted by design review pursuant to § 511-78 of this chapter.
(b) In cases where entrances to retail uses are recessed, such entrances shall not exceed 20 feet in width, except as permitted by design review pursuant to § 511-78 of this chapter. Recessed retail entrances may be recessed to an unlimited depth below the third-story streetwall frontage, but shall not provide access to another use or include a secondary entrance, except as permitted by design review pursuant to § 511-78 of this chapter.
(2) Front building wall transparency. Clear vision glass on Main Street frontages must be provided for at least 50% of the streetwall area beginning no higher than four feet above curb level and extending to at least 10 feet above curb level, except as permitted by design review. Individual windows or doors in this area must be at least three feet wide, except as permitted by design review.

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